What a poor excuse for a blog writer I am. It seems that to consider yourself one, you have to actually write your blog. Sigh! So, since I am apparently too busy to do much of this lately, I will sum up our lives in a few short sentences.
*Sob* We are grieving for the Mets.
Husband is busy wrapping up softball season.
Daughter is busy socializing, not making her way through her summer reading list like she should be.
Son is fighting off swimmer's ear, fungus infections, and GI issues. As usual, as long as he is not actively in pain, he is his normal sweet, cuddly self.
I am finding my way in my new/old career as a clinical social worker. That means psychotherapy, for those of you who have often wondered what social workers did. I know I have often wondered this myself, and I have been in the field nearly 20 years (ha). It's strange, feeling unsettled and unsure of yourself at this age, when one should be confident and competent. Thank heavens I have good, patient supervisors, who are available to guide me through the "OMG, I don't know what I'm doing!" moments. And not laugh too hard when I screw up in particularly funny ways.
So that's us, of late, in a nutshell.
Be back soon! (or later)
I've Moved!
13 years ago