Having neglected to actually write down any of the 10 or so blog posts that are floating in my head (you actually have to sit in front of a keyboard and make your fingers move, did you know?) I thought this would be a fun way to summarize our lives, of late. Maybe this little exercise will allow me to get my head on straight, with all the confusion in our household of late. So here goes!
Good News: The Jets and their new pretty-boy quarterback won their first game in impressive fashion.
Bad News: The Mets are now officially out of contention (WAAAH!!!)
Good News: The Mr and I will be playing tourists in our own city for our anniversary, as we stay in Manhattan for two nights while the in-laws watch the kids!
Bad News: The hotel we're staying at is...a Holiday Inn Express (but honey, I have points! We're staying for free!)
Good News: During said weekend, we will attend a Broadway musical (Rock of Ages), lunch at Alice's Tea Cup, and enjoy dinner at BLT Prime (thanks to Jersey Girl for the recommendation).
Bad News: The above will happen on "my" day, Saturday. "His" day, Sunday, we will spend hopping from one sports bar to another, watching football (just kidding, honey, you know I'm happy to do it)
Good News: School has officially begun! The kids are finally back to having structured, productive days after a rather lazy summer.
Bad News: School has officially begun. This means conflicting bus schedules, projects, homework, parent association meetings, class dues, tuition payments, fundraisers, etc.......
Good News: My mother is planning a major party to celebrate five years of remission from stage three non-hodgkin's lymphoma. For those of you with any knowledge of cancer, you know the five-year remission mark is a big one, as it means the odds of being forever "cured" increase dramatically.
Bad News: As part of the upcoming celebration, her appendix decided to become inflamed and infected, sending her to the hospital in the middle of the night for emergency surgery. Well, as my brother so sensitively put it, it's one less organ we have to worry about. She is home and recovering well.
So that's us, in a nutshell. Now off to work, errands, laundry, meetings...
I've Moved!
13 years ago
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