Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Brunches and Big Green Men

Twice a year, our family gets together for a group birthday party. Half of us celebrate in the spring, the other half in the fall. Works out well, actually, as distance and busy schedules keep us from gathering more frequently. Today was the day our family celebrated for the spring chickens, which meant that I broke out the OJ and hosted a brunch (even though I am one of the birthday chickens!). I've discussed my cooking issues before but have found brunch to be an easy one. Hard to mess up pancakes and bacon! I even attempted a banana bread which turned out surprisingly well.

Best part of the day: For my birthday, I received tickets for not one but two Mets games! So we will be storming Citifield after all...despite hubby's anger at the Wilpons.

As for the Big Green Men, hubby's ultra-competitive, uber-serious men's fastpitch softball team, the season has begun. Which means good-bye to him every other weekend till September. Kinda makes me feel like the wife of a major league manager. 'Cept without the money. And fame. Or any other perks, for that matter (although I do get the appreciation of young New Zealand & Canadian players who crash on my couch from time to time, while awaiting flights out of Newark). For those who know us, you know this ain't no beer league, and the cost for this team, in both time and money, is significant (thank God for sponsors!). Just call hubby the George Steinbrenner of fastpitch. As for the Big Green Men moniker, the origins are top-secret. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

So this one's for you, my dear: Go Gremlins! No, really. Go. Podunk, Pennsylvania awaits you.

Till next time!!

1 comment:

  1. You are quite funny! Luck I love you!

    Angry Green Man
